WIOA Programs
Since assuming both fiscal and board staff responsibilities for the region’s Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA) programs and the Northeast Tennessee Local Workforce Development Board in 2022, the First Tennessee Development District is committed to building and sustaining a workforce development system that promotes economic development, meets employer needs, and is responsive to the changing demands of the labor market.
Contact info for WIOA staff can be found here.
On-the-Job Training (OJT) is available to employers who have been pre-approved. OJT is particularly encouraged in higher-skill occupations. The employer must agree to continue to employ the individual after successful completion of the training. OJT focuses on jobs involving the introduction of new technologies, production or service procedures; upgrading to new jobs that require additional skills or workplace literacy; or other appropriate purposes identified by the Board.
The employer can be in the private non-profit or private sector. OJT provides knowledge or skills essential to the full and adequate performance of the job. The employer is reimbursed up to 50 percent of the wage rate of the individual for the extraordinary costs of providing the training and increased supervision related to the training. OJT is limited in duration based on the target occupation for which the participant is being trained, the participant’s prior work experience and the service strategy.
OJT provides unique opportunities for participants who already possess some job-related skills and the knowledge to "learn as they earn". By participating in training, the participant acquires new skills and knowledge while having the services as a full-time employee.
American Job Centers
The FTDD is the Administrative Entity for the Northeast Tennessee American Job Center system and serves as staff to the Northeast Tennessee Local Workforce Development Board.
Visit Northeast Tennessee American Job Center's website here or the virtual American Job Center of Tennessee here.