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Virtual CareerQuest TN Returns on April 22nd

FTDD Staff

This year's CareerQuest TN...It's all about Business will return in a virtual format.

Designed for the region's human resources, financial services, and banking sector, CQTN...It's all about Business links high school students to the region's largest employers in these industries.

The event includes one-on-one interviews with students and industry professionals, many of which have already been scheduled to take place via ZOOM. A student favorite, the Dress for Success Fashion Show, has also been adapted to a virtual format. Volunteer models and the Dress for Success leads have already filmed, edited, and distributed the fashion show so that students and teachers can watch in advance and submit questions for the Q&A session on the 22nd.

Wynne Tyree, CEO of Smarty Pants, and Business Battle sponsor is excited about this year's event, and the virtual format "it's a great, feel-good investment." The Business Battle gives entrepreneurially inclined students the opportunity to compete by delivering a pitch to area business leaders, and earn a cash award for their hard work, vision, and ingenuity. This year includes increased prize money, and the addition of a third prize winner.

For questions about this year's event, or more information on other CareerQuest TN events brought to you by the FTDD, please contact Lottie Ryans,

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