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Susan F. Reid Valued Partner Awardees Announced

FTDD Staff

Each year, the First Tennessee Development District honors individuals who have either championed a project or program that has impacted their community or the region with the Susan F. Reid Valued Partner Award. Named for the former executive director of the FTDD, Susan Reid, the Award symbolizes her commitment to not only the District’s work, but the important role that local partnerships strengthen and grow the region.

This year, the FTDD has chosen 11 individuals who impacted two separate and worthwhile projects in Northeast Tennessee.

They include:

Nancy Barker, Rogersville-Hawkins County Chamber of Commerce

In light of the longstanding, and exceeding productive relationship that exists between Ms. Nancy Barker and the staff of the FTDD, we find her a worthy recipient of the Susan F. Reid Valued Partner Award. For well over 15 years, Nancy has exemplified the decisive, inclusive, and forward-thinking leadership required to complete transformational projects in the Town of Rogersville and to the benefit of all of Hawkins County. These include working in partnership with her and other stakeholders on a major renovation of the Hale Springs Inn, the downtown sidewalk renovation project, a downtown façade grant project that renovated four properties, a historic preservation grant for the roof replacement on St. Mark's Church and the Powell Law Office. As Executive Director of the Rogersville-Hawkins County Chamber of Commerce, she has a passion for downtown, Rogersville, and Hawkins County and works hard to improve each.

The CareerQuestTN…It’s All About Busine$$ Core Team

Jen Dixon, SmartyPants

Stephen Dixon, Bank of Tennessee

Heath Guinn, Sync Space

Bryan Houston, Ameriprise Financial

Cal Klem, Ameriprise Financial

Jo Pearce Munoz, Ballad Health

Amber Perrin, Premium Waters

Kevin Peters, Blackburn, Childers & Steagall

Karen Ritchie, Success Dynamics

Wynne Tyree, SmartyPants

CareerQuestTN...It's all about Business has traditionally been held on the campus of NESCC, but like everything during the pandemic, a change to virtual was necessary. The core team considered canceling in 2021, but stepped up to figure out the best way to host a successful virtual event. Zoom fatigue was a concern, so the team worked to ensure the event was interactive and worth the students’ time. Recognizing many businesses will permanently shift to virtual interviews, the team did virtual interviews with the students. An FTDD intern created a virtual fashion show which was aired on WJHL and as customary, featured a wide variety of professionals showcasing their work attire. Students learn about careers they have never heard about and teachers report that the opportunity for this real world interaction is priceless. What began as a challenge has evolved into a NADO Innovation Award winning event that is a highlight for students around the region. BCS, Bank of Tennessee, Northwest Mutual and Smarty Pants have sponsored this event every year. More than 100 people volunteer to make this event successful.

During the Annual Meeting on September 29th, the board will receive program updates from the staff, conduct business on behalf of the FTDD Foundation, and elect a new slate of board officers for the coming year. The Annual Meeting also provides an opportunity to recognize individuals who have helped support or lead District efforts with the Susan F. Reid Valued Partner Award. Recognition of several honorees is on this year’s awardees is also on the agenda for the 29th.

For questions related to the FTDD Annual Meeting, please contact Mark Stevans,


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