Applications for local non-profits or governments to apply for a Tennessee Arts Commission Arts Build Communities Grant will open on Monday, April 3, 2023. This grant program, administered by the First Tennessee Development District, is designed to provide support for arts projects that broaden access to arts experiences, address community quality of life issues through the arts, or enhance the sustainability of asset-based cultural enterprises.
For the 2024 grant cycle, the available funds for each grant application have increased from $3,500 to $5,000 per project. With a dollar-for-dollar match, applicants would be able to complete project totaling $10,000 that highlight the arts in their community or the region. Below is a list of currently funded grant projects from across the Northeast Tennessee.
Applicant | Project Title | Grant Funding |
Art Transforms | Story Spinners Storytelling Program | $3,500 |
Theatre Bristol | PLAYtime in the ARTspace | $3,500 |
Milligan College | Invitational Choral Festival | $3,000 |
ETSU Slocumb Galleries | Sounds of our Soul | $3,000 |
Johnson County Senior Center | Meaningful Access to Art | $2,700 |
create appalachia | Arts@Work Professional Development | $3,500 |
Town of Jonesborough | Play in a Week Camp | $3,150 |
Friends of the Bonnie Kate | Community Theater | $3,150 |
Greene County Partnership Foundation | Mural Trail Expansion | $3,150 |
Boones Creek Historical Trust & Museum | Dulcimer Workshop | $3,140 |
ABC Grant funds can be used for:
Provide innovative arts experiences that are new or unfamiliar to community residents
Offer arts programs that are designed to help affect positive change in community social issues
Develop arts programming that strengthens social networks through community engagement
Undertake cultural arts initiatives that enhance a community’s identity and/or economic development
Offer training that helps experienced or emerging artists/arts administrators develop entrepreneurial skills or innovative strategies for building sustainability.
Misty Bradley, the project lead with the FTDD shared that "each year we see some exciting projects from across the District, and I know the applications for FY2024 will be as well, I encourage any one interested in this funding opportunity to reach out." More information about the ABC Grant program can be found here.
If you have specific questions about the grant, or a potential project, please contact Misty Bradley,
For questions about this or other news from the FTDD, please contact Mark Stevans,